Jalane Schmidt presents “Thinking On My Feet: The Risks and Rewards of Public Engagement Scholarship”.

Nov. 2019 – The UVA Chapter sponsored a presentation by Dr. Schmidt, see below for information about that event and Dr. Schmidt

Dr. Schmidt has actively engaged in community outreach teaching about Confederate monuments in Charlottesville. Some months ago a prominent local citizen was offended by her message and filed a frivolous defamation lawsuit against her and others. At the direction of Virginia’s Attorney General, UVA declined to provide legal advice or support for Dr. Schmidt through its Office of General Counsel. The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) stepped in and took the case, which was subsequently dismissed at a recent preliminary hearing. On advice of counsel, Dr. Schmidt was not able to discuss the case publicly until now. The use of a lawsuit to stifle free speech and denial of University support has important implications for us all – as citizens, as faculty, and as AAUP advocates for academic freedom.